
Find and Go on Fun Massachusetts and New England Day Trips

Living in Massachusetts (MA) and the New England region is awesome. There are tons of things to do and places to see. Yet, it’s hard sometimes to decide on an excursion that is fun and easy. Also, it’s tougher today to integrate our daily life routines with exploring and doing things beyond our town, city or area. is here to help you – whether you reside in or like visiting New England – plan and go on fun, easy and memorable day trips across The Commonwealth and New England. Whether you like visiting state parks for leisurely walks or hiking, seeing and taking photos at scenic views, exploring iconic attractions like lighthouses and covered bridges or discovering hidden gems, this site has you covered.


No doubt, there are plenty of travel sites and articles you can check out. Many of these provide lists of the 10 “best” things or places in various categories, which is fine for getting a broad picture of possibilities. At, we aim to help get a feel for and plan day trips to different places you can visit across the state and New England.

Each Day Trip entry provides a short description of what you can expect and will see, tips, directions and, when it adds to the trip, suggestions for additional nearby sites or places you can visit for even more fun. Today, the focus is on both keeping ourselves and our families safe and doing fun things that are easy and create awesome moments. helps you do just that as you explore MA and New England.

Day Trips are grouped by state parks and hiking and fun attractions (including breweries). We’re excited to have you check out the site to discover or rediscover fun places and start day tripping.  And we invite you to let us know what things, places or attractions you’d like us to feature by contacting

About the Founder

Jeremy Citro is a Massachusetts transplant and has lived in Central Massachusetts with his wife Sue for over a decade. Quitting his job in consulting after 16 years (yup! during the pandemic) and unable to travel internationally, he realized the time is now to get out there and have fun experiences simply by driving around. He is jazzed about discovering and rediscovering fun things to do and see across New England and bringing these Day Trip itineraries, pictures and tips to you.

Exploring Massachusetts and New England doesn’t need to be about making lists or spending time trying to see as much as possible. Instead, let’s explore one awesome hidden gem or iconic spot and have fun, easy and memorable Day Trip.

Engage with Us!

Share your favorite things to see and do or overlooked places in Massachusetts by contacting us.
